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Why Thanksgiving Isn’t Important Anymore

It seems every year this national holiday becomes less important to many Americans. Why? Has something been lost in the meaning of Thanksgiving?

In 1863 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln made the last Thursday of November a national holiday known traditionally as Thanksgiving Day. Today some just call it “Turkey Day.”

However, President Lincoln did not call the last Thursday of November either...Learn more about "Why Thanksgiving Isn’t Important Anymore" by Tim Groves at the News and Prophecy Blog


An Iran With Nuclear Weapons Strikes Fear Across the Middle East

For years experts have warned that Iran is close to producing nuclear weapons and that Israel would launch a strike to take them out. Is it too late? And is Israel the only one concerned?

The latest report by the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, for the first time said, “Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device” and that “some activities more about Iran With Nuclear Weapons Strikes Fear Across the Middle East by Mike Bennett on the News and Prophecy Blog.

How Do We Apply Balance in Raising Children?

Correction and discipline are important and sensitive subjects in parenting. Extremes have caused untold damage, leading to invasive national laws. How can parents apply a biblical balance in this area?

Over the years there have been major changes and pendulum swings in what society allows and expects in many areas of life. Currently the raising and protection of children is near the top more about How Do We Apply Balance in Raising Children by Paul Suckling on the Christian Parenting Blog.

Even Total Strangers Are Watching You

What kind of influence do you want to be? Whether we think about it or not, whether we like it or not, what we do and say has a lasting impact on others. Our example counts.

When I was in third grade, I had an amazing teacher. She was so kind and caring. I finished third grade knowing that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to grow up and be just like her. I hoped that I could someday more about Even Total Strangers are Watching You by by Christa Miller on the Godly Woman Blog.

Who Can Find a Faithful Man?

Faithfulness is a key to strong character, stable families and an eternal relationship with God. But faithfulness is under attack.

Semper fidelis—Latin for “always faithful”—is the well-known motto for the U.S. Marine Corps and many families, cities and other groups around the world. The sentiment is much admired, but the reality seems increasingly rare. Loyalty and faithfulness are under...Read more about Who Can Find a Faithful Man by Mike Bennett on The Man Blog.

Some Personal Bible Study Ideas

The Bible provides a reason for our existence, a guide for true happiness in physical life, the way to eternal spiritual life and countless other practical truths. With so much to learn, personal Bible study must be a part of our daily lives. But how?

After finally reading the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation, I put it down and asked myself, “Well, now what?” I wasn’t exactly more about Personal Bible Study Ideas by Eddie Foster on The Teen Blog.

Peacemakers Peacekeepers and the Search for Real Peace

Peacemakers Peacekeepers and the Search for Real Peace

As this world staggers from armed conflict to armed conflict, what’s to prevent the downward spiral from escalating into another world war? Where can we discover the elusive secrets of peace? And where can we find a truly effective peacemaker?

If you do a internet search for "peacemaker" you’ll likely find these results: A George Clooney/Nicole Kidman action movie. A punk rock song. A video game. A historical...Learn more about Peacemakers by Mike Bennett from the News and Prophecy Blog

The Affliction of “Me-Tooism”

Two descriptions of this problem really had an impact on me. Sometimes a single phrase can be responsible for changing one’s viewpoint or philosophy.

In my early 20s I had a wide interest in politics both here in the United Kingdom and abroad. As I followed the 1964 U.S. presidential race between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater, I was struck by the phrase “me-tooism,” which was, as far as I know, coined by Mr. Goldwater. He saw too much of “I want what my neighbor is getting” in society. Read more about The Affliction of Me-Tooism by Eddie Johnson on The Man Blog.

Am I Moving Forward or Backward?

Our spiritual life intertwines with the worldly part of our existence every minute of every day. We are tested through trials great and small. But how we deal with those trials and what we learn and take away from them will determine whether we are moving forward in our spiritual lives or backward. Here’s what I learned in a severe trial.

On Aug. 2 of this year my life was turned upside more on Am I Moving Forward or Backward by Dawn Pratt on the Godly Woman Blog

Bitterness or Joy? Do I Have a Choice?

Can we rise above our circumstances? How can we choose the way that leads to long-lasting happiness instead of misery, whatever life throws at us?

Martha Washington once said, “I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstance.” What does this mean?

Life is not just what happens to us. More important is how more about Bitterness or Joy, Do I Have a Choice by Johnathan Armstrong on the Young Adults Blog

Teach Little Kids About Money

Teaching Little Kids About Money

Your child may be too young for an allowance, but he or she’s not too young to be introduced to the all-important right approach to money. Ever read the poem “Smart” in Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends? It begins:

“My dad gave me one dollar bill ’Cause I’m his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters ’Cause two is more than one!”

This “smart” son continued his...Read more on Teaching Little Kids about Money by Becky Bennett on the Christian Parenting Blog

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